-aligned with standards
-fun for students
-fun for teachers
-well written
-methodically planned
-versatile for different teaching styles
-to save you time in searching, planning, gathering and writing
-to create cute clipart and graphics for use in your classroom
All products have a thumbnail image to show you what they look like as well as previews. They are immediate downloads upon purchase as well. No more notebooks and files taking up your file cabinets! You can easily store downloaded resources in an external hard drive or an online organization system on your computer!
You will also be able to see any feedback or comments under each product as it is specifically graded in several areas. You will be able to leave your feedback as well after purchasing!
My storefront has been open four years this Spring and is going strong.
Please visit my storefront by clicking on the Tools for School Owl Logo below and share with a teacher you know!
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Taking joy in encouraging others at home, at school and at play!